Fixing Missing H1 Tags?
WordPress users will recognize heading tags like H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6. Found in the editor, these are used to establish different headline weights, with H1 being the largest and most prominent, all the way down to H6, which is the smallest.
These header tags are essential for both search engine crawlers as they explore your site, and the reading ease and comprehension of people who read your site.
But sometimes they’re missing for one reason or another. Don’t worry – in this piece we’re going to talk about how to fix H1 tags to ensure your content looks good, is easily scannable and accurately tells Google about what’s on the page.

What is an H1 Tag?
The H1 tag is an HTML header typically used to mark up the title of a web page. Most websites employ CSS to make the H1 stand out on the page compared to the subheadings (i.e., H2, H3, etc.)
The Link Between Keywords and Headings
It is crucial to realize the importance of using heading tags with relevant keywords. Search engine spiders use these headings to determine the general topic of a page. Once search engines have this information, they can assign your website a ranking for these terms.
As such, your H1 tag should always include your page’s primary keyword (which should also be the focus of your discussion). Remember that the H1 tag is the most crucial and prominent heading tag. After the primary heading (H1), use the H2 tags for any further subheadings. They’re vital, too.
The usage of a single H1 tag on each page is standard practice. However, there are usually many H2 tags on a single webpage. Each of these H2 tags should support the H1 tag.
How Do You Check Header Tags?
To see if your H1, H2, etc. tags are properly set up, you can check the page’s source code. For example, if you’re using a WordPress page, right-click anywhere on the page and choose “View page source” to see the code.
Why Should You Use Heading Tags?
The primary purpose of these header tags is to help with text organization. They make it much easier for search engine spiders to understand what your content is about, and help it decipher where sections begin and end.
Just as importantly, it’s the best SEO technique you can employ. Achieving higher search engine ranks for your desired and targeted keywords is extremely tough without using suitable heading tags.
How Do You Fix H1 Tag Issues?
Okay, you’ve audited your pages and found a missing H1 tag. Now what?
Obviously, you need to create a new one. Keep in mind that it must be original, interesting, and timely.
Assuming people decide whether or not to visit a page based on its title alone (which they often do), it is important that titles accurately convey the content. In the event of an error, navigate to the appropriate area of code and insert the <h1> </h1> tag to instruct a web browser on how to render this part of the content as your primary headline.
That’s it. It’s really that simple: <h1>Your Headline Goes Here</h1> . You don’t have to be an HTML wizard, it’s just one set of tags.
Of course, if you don’t have time to manually check every page on your site and ensure h1 tags and everything else is adequately optimized for search engines, Evisio is just what you need. It will automatically scan your site, then give you plain English recommendations for things you can do to rank more highly.
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