How to implement page redirects into a single secure domain

Using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is common practice since Google awards websites with higher ranking if they employ an SSL. Doing so adds an extra degree of protection when a website collects consumer information. It is also common practice to redirect a URL to a different one. To maintain SEO value, it is crucial to follow the best practices during the redirect process. 

Keep reading to learn more about the importance of SSL/HTTPS and how to implement redirects into a single secure domain.

What is SSL/HTTPS, and why should you begin using it immediately?

Google advises all website owners to implement SSL/HTTPS to enhance online security. SSL/HTTPS is a type of encryption that safeguards the connection between the browser of the user and the server on which your site is hosted. Because of this, it will be more difficult for hackers to listen in on the conversation and gather information.

Every website that can communicate securely over SSL or HTTPS receives its own one-of-a-kind SSL certificate. Most modern web browsers will display a warning message to the user to discourage them from connecting to a website if the server pretends to be using HTTPS, but its certificate does not match.

Therefore, Google’s Chrome web browser labels all websites lacking an SSL certificate as “Not Secure”. It’s done automatically, and the only workaround is to get an SSL certificate.

Your clients will get a negative perception of your company if the label “Not Secure” appears in their browser’s address bar. In addition, if you wish to set up an online store or utilize payment processing services such as PayPal, Stripe,, etc., you will need to have SSL and HTTPS configured on your website.

After weighing the benefits and drawbacks, it becomes clear that every website can benefit from implementing SSL and HTTPS. 

How to easily implement a redirect with plugins

Most of today’s content management systems (CMS) provide solutions and plugins that simplify managing 301 and 302 redirection. For instance, RankMath is free to use and includes basic functionality such as URL redirection. In addition, the administration interfaces of many hosting and CDN systems include an easy-to-use redirection management interface as well.

301 redirects using .htaccess files

Using an .htaccess file, which is a text file executed by Apache servers, is a typical method for establishing redirects. The following list are some distinct directives that can be used in .htaccess to redirect traffic.

Redirect an entire domain to a new site

Redirect 301 /

Simply replace the example domain with the URL of the new destination you want to redirect to. This will cause a permanent redirection, or 301, to be made from every page on your site to the appropriate URL on the target domain.

Redirect a single page

Redirect 301 /oldpage/

This redirect for one individual page can be used across multiple domains and on your own website if you like.

Redirect a domain to a specified URL

This is an alternative method for redirecting to a specified URL while maintaining the domain. If you want users to visit with a certain page in mind, you can use this code:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^

RewriteRule ^(.*) [P]

You would use this strategy if you wanted people to access your domain without entirely hosting the domain. Users can access your site by using your domain name, but they will be redirected to an external URL when they do so. This strategy is used often when a site has an external blog or shopping cart.

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