Isomorphic JavaScript vs. WebSocket JavaScript

Isomorphic JavaScript and WebSocket JavaScript are prominent technologies used to build interactive web applications. The isomorphic JavaScript platform is a type of JavaScript that can be used on both the client side and the server side of an application, while WebSocket JavaScript is a protocol that allows full-duplex communication between a client and a server. 

Explore more of the differences between these two technologies as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of isomorphic JavaScript

Because isomorphic JavaScript can be utilized on both the client and server sides of an application it allows JavaScript developers to write code once and reuse it. But there are benefits and drawbacks to writing code once. 

Pros of isomorphic JavaScript

  • The primary advantage of isomorphic JavaScript is that it allows developers to create more responsive and interactive applications. Using isomorphic JavaScript, developers can create applications that respond quickly to user input.
  • Only having to write code once makes it simple and easy for developers to maintain their code. 
  • Additionally, isomorphic JavaScript can enhance the performance of an application, as there’s no need to make multiple requests to the server.
  • It provides a more seamless user experience
  • Isomorphic JavaScript applications are more secure, eliminating the need to send sensitive data over the network.

Cons of isomorphic Javascript

  • One of the main drawbacks is that it can be difficult to debug, as errors can occur on both the client and server sides of an application. 
  • Isomorphic JavaScript may be difficult for developers to keep track of on both the client-side and the server-side code.

Pros and cons of WebSocket JavaScript

WebSocket JavaScript is a protocol that enables full-duplex communication between a client and a server. This type of communication allows for real-time data transfer between a client and a server, which makes it ideal for applications that require real-time updates. 

Pros of WebSocket JavaScript

  • WebSocket JavaScript enables two-way communication, which allows for sending and receiving data much faster than HTTP. 
  • Generally, HTTP has a 2000-byte overhead, but WebSocket only has a 2-byte cost. 
  • It also offers compatibility between platforms (web, desktop, mobile). 

Cons of WebSocket JavaScript

  • You’ll need a web browser that supports HTML5.
  • WebSocket lacks features that would allow for successful completion, similar to AJAX.
  • Unlike HTTP, WebSocket doesn’t support caching at the network’s intermediaries or edges.
  • Friendly HTTP statuses, bodies, and other components cannot be used to develop a minimally functional alternative protocol.
  • If your application doesn’t require a lot of dynamic interaction, HTTP will be much simpler to develop.

Find word on isomorphic JavaScript vs. WebSocket JavaScript 

In short, both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, but they both have the potential to improve the performance of web applications. For applications that are more robust and need top-notch security isomorphic JavaScript is probably best.  However, if your application needs to feature real-time capabilities WebSocket JavaScript is hard to match.

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